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Tests CI/CD publish automatically poetry-mine-publish-automatically Poetry Mine Pypi Autopublish Poetry Test PyPI Manual Publish Poetry Multiprocess tagged-release Tests/Release GWA Flow


Prospection GitHub Workflows Actions

Contains: + poetry + pytest + coverage + Python multiversions (pyenv) + tox + black + isort + flake8 + pylint + pydocstyle + mypy + semver

Start Project#

  1. Create a github project on github.com;
  2. Clone the project, on local host;
  3. Create the branch dev and branches of control when necessary:
    $ git br dev
    $ git co -b feature#1 dev
    $ git co -b feature#2 dev
    $ git co -b bug#2 dev
  4. Configure project structure:
  5. Set Editor configuration:
    $ curl https://pastebin.com/raw/TrDhuvFZ -o .editorconfig # or
    $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.editorconfig -o .editorconfig
  6. Update gitignore:
    $ curl https://pastebin.com/raw/C910Dqze -o .gitignore   #or
    $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.gitignore -o .gitignore
    1. Commit changes
  7. Configure poetry:
  8. Init poetry
    $ poetry init    # response that need
  9. Adding package path in configuration:
        {include = 'incolume/', from=''},
  10. Define Python version (3.10+): ```bash Change.. [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "~3.10"

    To .. [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = ~3.10 ``` 4. Commit changes 6. Configure unit tests with pytest: 1. Install pytest

    $ poetry add -D pytest     ## adding pytest
    $ poetry add -D pytest-cov     ## adding pytest-cov
    2. Create tests structure
    $ cd incolumepy.gwa;    # home_project
    $ mkdir tests       # create directory
    $ > conftest.py     # create file
    $ > __init__.py     # create file
    3. Add test environment
    $  git add -f poetry.lock pyproject.toml  tests/
    4. Commit changes

Linters and Checkers#

  1. Adding lint/control tools
  2. bash $ poetry add -D black flake8 isort mypy pydocstyle pylint pytest-cov tox[tomli] $ git ci -m "Adding tox and lint tools" poetry.lock pyproject.toml
  3. Configure code coverage
  4. Edit pyproject.toml, add on end file.
    $ ...
    addopts = "--cov=incolumepy.gwa"
    testpaths = [
  5. Configure pylint tool
  6. Edit pyproject.toml, add on end file.
    # Maximum number of characters on a single line.
    max-line-length = 160
    # Allow shorter and longer variable names than the default.
    argument-rgx = "[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$"
    attr-rgx = "[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$"
    variable-rgx = "[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$"
    # Ensure that orjson is analysed as a C extension by pylint.
    extension-pkg-whitelist = "orjson"
    disable = [
        # Disable too many and too few checks.
        # Similar lines in files (often the case in tests).
        # Many functions (e.g. callbacks) will naturally have unused arguments.
        # Disable checking that method could be a function in classes (often used for organisation).
        # Disable failure for TODO items in the codebase (code will always have TODOs).
        # Disable docstrings checks as we don't require excessive documentation.
  7. Commit
    $ git ci -m "Configure pylint tool" pyproject.toml
  8. Configure mypy tool
    1. Edit pyproject.toml, add on end file.
         mypy_path = "incolumepy"
         check_untyped_defs = true
         disallow_any_generics = true
         ignore_missing_imports = true
         no_implicit_optional = true
         show_error_codes = true
         strict_equality = true
         warn_redundant_casts = true
         warn_return_any = true
         warn_unreachable = true
         warn_unused_configs = true
         no_implicit_reexport = true
  9. Commit
    $ git ci -m "Configure mypy tool" pyproject.toml
  10. Configure isort tool
    1. Edit pyproject.toml, add on end file.
      multi_line_output = 3
      line_length = 160
      include_trailing_comma = true
    2. Commit
      $ git ci -m "Configure isort tool" pyproject.toml
  11. Configure flake8 tool
    1. Edit pyproject.toml, add on end file.
      max-line-length = 160
    2. Commit
      $ git ci -m "Configure flake8 tool" pyproject.toml
  12. Configure black tool:
    1. Edit pyproject.toml, add on end file.
      line_length = 160
    2. Commit
      $ git ci -m "Configure black tool" pyproject.toml
  13. Configure tox tool:
    1. Edit pyproject.toml, add on end file.
      legacy_tox_ini = """
      minversion = 3.3.0
      isolated_build = True
      envlist =
      ;basepython = python3
      whitelist_externals = poetry
      skip_install = true
      commands =
      poetry env use {envpython}
      poetry install -vv --no-root
      poetry run pytest {posargs} tests/
      deps = flake8
      commands = flake8 --config pyproject.toml incolumepy/ tests/
      deps =
      commands = mypy incolumepy/
      commands = poetry run pydocstyle incolumepy/ tests/
      commands = poetry run isort --check --atomic --py all incolumepy/ tests/
      commands = poetry run pylint incolumepy/ tests/
      commands = poetry run black --check incolumepy/ tests/
    2. Commit
      $ git ci -m "Configure tox tool" pyproject.toml

Testting lint configurate#

  1. Test pydocstyle:
    $ pydocstyle incolumepy/ tests/
  2. Test pylint
    $ pylint incolumepy/ tests/
  3. Test mypy
    $ mypy incolumepy/ tests/
  4. Test isort
    $ isort --check incolumepy/ tests/
  5. Test flake8
    $ flake8 --config pyproject.toml incolumepy/ tests/
  6. Test black
    $ black --check incolumepy/ tests/

Testting tox configurate#

  1. Text tox
    $ tox

Control version with poetry#

Unlike bumpversion, poetry changes the version of the main file only. To work around this situation and update the version of pyproject.toml, init.py and version.txt, we will do the following procedure.

$ cat > incolumepy/gwa/__init__.py << eof
import toml
from pathlib import Path
__root__ = Path(__file__).parents[0]
version_file = __root__.joinpath('version.txt')
__version__ = version_file.read_text().strip()

$ v=`poetry version prerelease`; pytest tests/ && git ci -m "$v" pyproject.toml $(find -name "version.txt")  #sem tag
$ s=`poetry version patch`; pytest tests/ && git ci -m "`echo $s`" pyproject.toml `find -name "version.txt"`; git tag -f `poetry version -s` -m "$(echo $s)"  #com tag

Facility with make#

Use make to easy various commands.

$ curl https://pastebin.com/raw/eTHpL70G -o Makefile    # or
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/Makefile -o Makefile    # last version

Makefile help#

$ make help

New prerelease with Makefile#

$ git co dev
$ git merge --no-ff [branch] --autostash
$ make prerelease

New release with Makefile#

$ git co dev
$ make release

Checking lint#

$ make lint

Run tox over make#

$ make tox

Github Workflows Actions (GWA)#

First create the directory for GWA:

mkdir -pv .github/workflows

This Models:#

  • GitHub WorkFlow with tags Running tox; Build pack; Create release; publish TestPyPI and PyPI

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.github/workflows/gwa-flow.yml -o .github/workflows/gwa-flow.yml

  • Run tox and generate coverage report:

    curl https://raw.githubuserconcurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.github/workflows/tests_ci_cd.yaml -o .github/workflows/tests_ci_cd.yml

  • Publish manualy releases/prereleases into test.pypi.org with poetry:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.github/workflows/poetry-testpypi-manual-publish.yml -o .github/workflows/poetry-testpypi-manual-publish.yml

  • Publish automatically releases into pypi.org and test.pypi.org with poetry, after pass on tests from tests_ci_cd:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.github/workflows/poetry-mine-publish-automatically.yml -o .github/workflows/poetry-mine-publish-automatically.yml

  • Publish automatically releases into pypi.org only, after pass on tests from tests_ci_cd:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.github/workflows/poetry-mine-pypi-autopublish.yml -o  .github/workflows/poetry-mine-pypi-autopublish.yml

  • Publish automatically releases into pypi.org and test.pypi.org without poetry, after pass on tests from tests_ci_cd:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.github/workflows/publish-automatically.yml -o .github/workflows/publish-automatically.yml

  • Publish automatically releases into pypi.org and test.pypi.org with multiprocess poetry, after pass on tests from tests_ci_cd:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.github/workflows/poetry-multiprocess.yml -o .github/workflows/poetry-multiprocess.yml

Git Hooks#

  • create .git-hooks folder into your project root directory, at the same level you already have .git folder;
    mkdir .git-hooks
  • create hook files into this folder: pre-commit, prepare-commit-msg and all hooks (these files don't have an extension);
  • put the correct code into each file (I will add them below these steps);
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.git-hooks/pre-commit -o .git-hooks/pre-commit
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.git-hooks/prepare-commit-msg -o .git-hooks/prepare-commit-msg
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.git-hooks/commit-msg -o .git-hooks/commit-msg
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incolumepy-prospections/incolumepy.gwa/main/.git-hooks/pre-push -o .git-hooks/pre-push
  • change to execute mode;
    chmod +x .git-hooks/*
  • run this command in your command line, into your main folder of your project (one level up from .git-hooks):

    git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks;

  • READY;